Equipping churches to welcome children home.

Every child deserves a family.

Too many children and families are in crisis. Currently, there are more than 12,000 children in need of fostering in NC. Seven hundred of them are in Caldwell, Catawba, and Burke counties alone. Those same three counties have just 130 foster families to meet the need. Sibling groups are split up. Children are removed from their schools. Reunification becomes less and less likely.

Nationally, 50% of foster families quit after just one year of dealing with the challenges and hurdles of fostering. Big House Family Ministry supports foster/adoptive families by engaging the surrounding community to help meet their needs. We can accomplish this most efficiently by equipping churches with the tools they need to support families.

Replanted Support Groups

One of the most valuable tools we can provide foster and adoptive parents is time with a group of peers who know exactly what they’re going through. Replanted groups meet monthly for a simple meal and a time of sharing with childcare provided so participants can pause and realize they aren’t on this journey alone.

Family Advocacy Ministry (FAM)

Family Advocacy Ministries are formed in churches to advocate for at risk children and the families that serve them. FAMs are a critical tool in getting the word out about needs and building a support network for those being served.

Education & Information

Foster and adoptive families need to know they aren’t alone. Big House works through churches to coordinate trauma-informed training for families working with children in the social services system. Whether families are fostering or adopting, we strive to provide the latest information and best practices for parents striving to give the children entrusted to them a bright and productive future.

“Children born to another woman call me ‘mom.’ The magnitude of that tragedy and the depth of that privilege are not lost on me.” 

— Jody Landers, adoptive mom


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(630) 263-4320