Helping foster and adoptive families succeed.

Since 2020 Big House Family Ministry has been working to support the unmet needs of foster and adoptive families in the foothills of NC. Programs include Replanted support meetings for foster/adoptive parents, trauma-informed training, respite, and coordinating with churches to help meet the daily needs of families.

Nationally, 50% of foster families quit after just one year of dealing with the challenges and hurdles of fostering. Big House Family Ministry supports our local foster/adoptive families by engaging the greater community to help meet their needs. We can accomplish this most efficiently by equipping area churches with the tools they need to support families in their communities. Tools include:

  • Education & Information – We educate churches about the needs of foster and adoptive families right here in their communities. Data, statistics, and—most importantly—stories that communicate the urgent need.

  • FAMs – Family Advocacy Ministries are formed in churches to advocate for at risk children and the families that serve them. FAMs are a critical tool in getting the word out about needs in their communities.

  • Replanted Groups – Churches host foster/adoptive parents for regular meetings where they can discuss challenges, encourage one another, and share resources. Childcare is provided so parents can speak frankly and openly while knowing their kids are safe.

  • Care Communities – This is a small group of individuals (4-6 people) who commit to "wrapping around" a foster/adoptive family for one year, providing a weekly meal, childcare support, general household support, and the knowledge that families don’t have to do this alone. It has been shown that one third of volunteers serving in a Care Community ultimately choose to become a foster care provider.

  • Family Day at the Creek - The FAM at Lenoir Presbyterian Church helps sponsor a fun day at Brown Mountain Beach Resort each summer. Foster and adoptive families can take a break, get away, and enjoy a great day of family fun without having to plan a thing!